We have heard the names like King Nagarjuna and Rajasekhar to sport the role of a main villain in Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s new film which is the remake of Tamil blockbuster ‘Thani Oruvan’. And recently Aravind Swamy, who reprized villain’s role in original version, has been gossiped to have been approached by the makers of Telugu version and offered him Rs.5 crores as a remuneration to do the crucial role.
Latest snippet says, all these are mere speculations and the makers haven’t roped in any actor as a villain for the movie. Ram Charan, who has been back to Hyderabad after his holidaying, will soon, himself, select the villain of the movie and the news maybe out soon. The movie will be directed by Surender Reddy. Mega Producer Allu Aravind and NV Prasad are likely to produce the movie.
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