Hero Ram has joined the brigade of celebrities who have started the healthy trend of meeting their ailing fans to fulfill their wishes.Poorna Chandrika (5), a resident of Visakhapatnam, has been paralyzed down from her abdomen right from her birth. At a time when her age kids play with friends and parents, she can’t even move her legs. Her parents, however, have been taking good care of her.
Reportedly, Poorna is a big fan of hero Ram. Ever since she saw him once in Vizag, she has been asking her parents to take her to him. As Ram is now in Vizag shooting for a film, Poorna’s condition was brought to his notice. He immediately went to her home to meet her. After knowing her condition, Ram had tears rolling in his eyes. He invited Poorna’s family to lunch at his home.
The joy of meeting her favorite hero was clearly seen in Poorna’s eyes.
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