Friends Rana Daggubati and Trisha Krishnan have partied in Goa recently after the actress engaged to businessman-producer Varun Manian. In fact, Varun was also in the party and it’s learnt that the trio enjoyed a lot. Clarifying on the wide-spread rumours about their alleged “love” and “break-up”, Rana yet again reiterated that Trisha is only good friend of him and nothing beyond between them.
However, Rana said that he’s tired of explaining how there was no truth in their link-up rumours. “It was fictional link-up and it cropped from nowhere. Although I gave a detailed explanation on this time and again, simply media mentioned it as I denied rumours.”
What’s more surprising is Rana set the record straight that he is “single” and not ready to “mingle”. “One has to put a lot of time and effort for a relationship which I can’t afford. I can’t maintain a relationship at this juncture of my life.” Rana added that his focus is right now on his career.
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