According to reports, the actors were caught getting cozy in Hotel Ushuaia on Ibiza beach. There were rumours that the ‘Ajab Prem Ki Gazab Kahani’ duo had a brawl at Arjun Kapoor’s birthday bash, so much so that Katrina had to leave the party immediately. After that the reports of Ranbir Kapoor Deepika Padukone PDA act at ‘YJHD’ success bash seems to have hindered their holiday plans. But, now it seems nothing could come in between their strong relation.
In the picture, Ranbir Kapoor was seen getting close to Katrina and his arms around her waist the two were seen even more comfortable than ever.
The duo there also attended a David Guetta show, which took place on the Mediterranean Island. Well, Deepika, have you seen the pic – “A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words!”
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