The horrific incident of rats killing a 10-day infant in Government General hospital in Guntur has sent shivers down the spine. The tragedy occurred when a new born baby (born on Aug 17) was admitted to Neo-Natal ICU in GGH after he was identified with medical complications like congenital urinary tract disorder. Post surgery, he was recuperating well until he was attacked by rats.
Despite alleged repeated complaints by kid’s parents to hospital authorities over the danger posed with rats, neither proper attention nor care has been taken on the kid. This resulted in the passing away of days-old kid leaving their parents in grief.
Indisputably, the incident has to be condemned by all sections. But the moot question is who’s to be blamed and who’d take the responsibility? ICU caretakers or hospital administration or government officials or health ministry or AP Chief Minister or the boy’s parents? Who’d be held guilty of the incident? Where will the buck stops? Though State government and health ministry responded on time and suspended few officials and ordered probe, the possible outcome of the inquiry would be pointing fingers at soft targets.
Keeping the political blame game by Opposition parties, who’re crying foul, aside, the immediate step should be taken by health ministry and AP state government is to take precautionary measures so that such incident won’t repeat again. While the situation in the a district-headquartered and state’s proposed capital’s Guntur General Hospital is this, the situation in other general hospitals, government hospitals could be understandable.
Has government supplying necessary facilities, medicines in the first place is to be seen. If so, are they being delivered properly or are there any irregularities taking place. A thorough check is the need of the hour. Announcing compensation to victim won’t bring back the lost life. A young boy who had a bright future had lost his life for the gross negligence of the system. Yes, the system is to be blamed. All of us are part of this system.
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