The alleged rift between director Sreenu Vaitla and director Ram Gopal Varma seems to have widened. After Vaitla attacks Varma in Aagadu, RGV took to Twitter and snapped back at Vaitla by jibing the film. The duo have hit rough weather sometime back and that is the reason behind whole series of happenings.
It all started when one of the songs in Varma’s KSD Appalaraju (Lucktho Siva Cinema Theesei…) has the lines “Namo Venkatesa Anna Sreenu Vaitla Ki Panga Namame Migile Chivariki”. Sreenu took it seriously and this led Sreenu to take potshots at Varma in Dookudu, Baadshah. Now it got intensified and Vaitla openly named Ram Gopal Varma in his latest release Aagadu. Buzz is that Varma is not going to leave it here and he is now planning to hit out at Vaitla in his next. Hope both the directors sit and resolve the issues and bury the hatchet.
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