Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra, who was supposed to be finalized as the leading lady of Mahesh Babu in his new film to be directed by AR Murugadoss, gave a shock to makers at the last moment by walking out of the film.
Although makers agreed to pay the whopping amount quoted by Parineeti, she chose to walk out alleging clash of dates with her already signed Bollywood films. However, sources revealed that it was not the real reason. Parineeti has no notable biggies in Bollywood at the moment. She has 1 or 2 small films only. She must have rejected the film of Mahesh feeling that acting in southern films will damage her reputation, and her pay cheque will also be slashed by Bollywood filmmakers.
Parineeti must have forgotten that Kriti Sanon clicked in Bollywood only after pairing opposite Mahesh.
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