Pawan Kalyan has joined the bandwagon of people who are heaping praises on CM KCR. Speaking to media outside CM’s camp office in Begumpet soon after his meeting with KCR, Pawan said that it was a good-will meet and a courtesy meet to appreciate CM for his 24-hour electricity supply scheme as well as to learn, study the policy of the government in electricity.
Pawan recalled how KCR has turned the state from power-deficit state to power-plus state. He said it is indeed a great achievement and Pawan said he would like to know the success story from KCR himself and hence met him.
Pawan also admitted that he was invited for the Prapancha Telugu Mahasabhalu (World Telugu Conference), but he said he couldn’t make it due to lack of time. Pawan said he also met KCR to congratulate him for successfully conducting it.
When asked about any political plans to forge coalition with TRS in future, Pawan said that the discussion was not political and said it has no major significance. Also when media asked Pawan about KTR’s satirical comments on him recently on Twitter, Pawan responded so curiously.
Pawan said he wants to improve the rapport with leaders so that he could take issues to them directly whenever he would like to. Pawan said he would like to observe and gain from the experience of the big leaders.
Looks like, Pawan is keenly focusing on becoming a full-time politician very soon.
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