Rajahmundry’s TDP MP Murali Mohan has raised a note-worthy point while speaking to media after the adjournment of Lok Sabha. Responding to media’s question that whether TDP MPs would also follow the suit of YSRCP MPs who announced to resign on the last day of Parliament session when it is adjourned sine dine, Murali Mohan, “If we too resign, who will fight for the state in Parliament?”
Murali Mohan continued, “Even if they resign or continue as MPs, it doesn’t make any big difference. So there is no effect if they resign.”
TDP leaders also pointing at YSRCP’s decision to resign its 5 Lok Sabha MPs and maintaining its 2 Rajya Sabha MPs to continue. TDP leaders are questioning YSRCP that why Vijay Sai Reddy is not tendering his resignation for Rajya Sabha if the party is really committed for the interests of Telugu people.
Meanwhile, TRS has also extended its full support to the AP’s demand of Special Category Status.
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