Puri Jagannath recently burnt his hands with ‘Cameraman Gangato Rambabu’ while Pawan burnt his hands twice with ‘Komaram Puli’ and now with ‘Cameraman’.However if one goes through the history of RGV’s film making he courted many controversies. His films like Raktha Charitra, Katha Screenplay Direction Appalaraju, ‘Bezawada’ attracted attention and attacks from political parties and fans alike. His recent films ’26/11 attacks’ and ‘Reddygaru Poyaru’ is also under media fire. Even with all this he managed to prevent attacks on him.
This shows that he has some media and political management which other directors and film makers are lacking. One can appreciate how RGV wriggled out of huge public anger and media outrage when he made his visit along with the then CM Vilasrao Deshmukh during Mumbai 26/11 attacks. He saved himself but his friend Vilas Rao lost his job. For controversy handling contact RGV.
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