The making of controversial film – Laxmi’s NTR by noted Director Ram Gopal Verma triggered political storm in Andhra Pradesh. Taking serious note of AP Agriculture Minister Somireddy Chandramohan Reddy’s strong objection to the storyline in the film, RGV dared the minister to come for a public debate.
Minister said RGV is portraying Laxmi Parvathi as a ‘Tyagamurthi’ (sacrificer) by distorting the history in the film. He wondered why the film director wanted to make a film in favour of Laxmi Parvathi. Let Laxmi be given heroine role in the film, Minister also rejected RGV offer to play hero role.
The war of words between RGV and the minister reached crescendo as the film Director was continuously posting comments on minister on social media. While the minister was responding to RGV comments in his own style through TV news channels.
RGV said he is ready for a debate on film at any place and at any time. He is ready to explain the storyline to the minister in detail.
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