One among Indian cinema’s most versatile actors, Irrfan Khan breathed his last on Wednesday. The 54-year-old thespian was rushed to Mumbai’s Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital on Tuesday, where he was taking treatment for colon infection. He is survived by his wife Sutapa and sons – Babil and Ayan. Celebrities from both Bollywood and regional cinema took to social media and mourned the sudden death of the powerhouse of talent.
Irrfan Khan’s co-actors from his only South film ‘Sainikudu’ remembered their association with the national award-winning actor and offered their condolences on Twitter. While Mahesh Babu termed Irrfan as a brilliant actor gone too son, Trisha Krishnan posted that she is happy to share screen space with the great actor.
Deeply saddened by the news of #IrrfanKhan's untimely demise. A brilliant actor gone too soon. He will be truly missed… My heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones. RIP ??
— Mahesh Babu (@urstrulyMahesh) April 29, 2020
Offering condolences to his counterpart, Prakash Raj thanked Irrfan for his contribution to the collective global art. Director of ‘Sainikudu’, Gunasekhar termed Irrfan’s death as a great loss to not just Indian cinema but world cinema as well.
Extremely painful.. Ahh ..too early Irfan.. ??thank you for your contribution to the collective global art .. we will miss you . RIP
— Prakash Raj (@prakashraaj) April 29, 2020
Losing a phenomenal actor like @irrfank is a loss to not just Indian Cinema but World Cinema alike. I personally lost a good friend, strength to his family at this time. #RIPIrrfanKhan #ripirfan
— Gunasekhar (@Gunasekhar1) April 29, 2020
Irrfan Khan played the prime antagonist opposite Mahesh Babu in Gunasekhar’s 2006 Telugu film ‘Sainikudu’ and delivered an impeccable act as Pappu Yadav. This is his only South appearance till date. Best known for his performance in films like ‘Maqbool’ and ‘Piku’, Irrfan won the National Award for his terrific portrayal as Paan Singh Tomar in the latter’s biopic of the same name. He was also globally recognised for his performance in films like ‘Slumdog Millionaire’, ‘Inferno’ and ‘Life of Pi’.
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