It’s already evident that the shooting of SS Rajamouli’s upcoming period-actioner ‘Roudram Ranam Rudhiram’ shortly titled as RRR has recently resumed after 6-months of lockdown. On the occasion of Komaram Bheem’s 119th birth anniversary, the makers have unveiled the first look teaser of Junior NTR as the revolutionary tribal leader and the 92-second clip went berserk on the internet with record-breaking views and glowing praises from all quarters. In a rugged avatar, a bare-bodied Tarak throws a javelin into the fireball and flexes his shredded muscles to join two chains from opposite sides.
Meanwhile, yet another crucial schedule of RRR has reportedly begun on Tuesday and it will be an extensive all-night shoot which is taking place at the specially erected set in Hyderabad. To create curiosity among the fans, the makers have shared sneak-peek videos from the sets on the film’s official Instagram account and titled them as RRR Diaries. While NTR and Ram Charan are taking part in this latest schedule, Alia Bhatt is expected to join the proceedings in the first week of November.
‘RRR’ Diaries: Sneak peek of the latest night schedule of the Jr NTR and Ram Charan starrer
WATCH VIDEO ??????????????@RRRMovie #RRR #RamCharan #NTR #KomaramBheemNTR #AliaBhatt
— ETimes Telugu (@ETimesTelugu) October 30, 2020
Set against the pre-independence era of the 1920s, RRR is a fictional tale that hypothetically juxtaposes the journeys of Komaram Bheem and Alluri Sitarama Raju. Helmed on a massive budget of Rs 450 crore, the multilingual project features several foreign actors like Olivia Morris, Alison Doody and Ray Stevenson in pivotal roles.
Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn will be seen in an extended cameo during the flashback portions of the film and Shriya Saran will be reportedly playing his wife. The film will be released in 10 Indian languages
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