Nallari Kishore Kumar Reddy, a member of the Telugu Desam Party, has alleged that there was a massive land scam in the Piler constituency in Chittoor district.He said that there has been a Rs. 400 crore land scam in the area, adjacent to the highway in the villages. The minister and the MPs of TDP have criticized the members of the government for the land grab.
It is said that lay-outs belonging to the government are being sold illegally. He submitted to the media, the details of the town and survey numbers related to the encroachments.Kishore said survey numbers on land irregularities in the district will be released soon.
He demanded a judicial inquiry into the land scam and is soon expected to approach the court on this. He expressed concern that it would be the people who would lose out if the lands purchased were found invalid in court.He said the land scam has spread to Madanapalle and other places as well. Kishore alleged that necessary action was not taken even after he complained to the local authorities about it.
He warned the officials who assisted in the illegalities that they would suffer for their actions in the future.
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