Gunasekhar’s historical entertainer ‘Rudhramadevi’ has done decent business in all centers. The movie collected a share of Rs.50+ crores including all of its versions so far. The makers will count more bucks as the movie’s Hindi version is releasing on 12 November.
Anushka Shetty, who played the protagonist as a warrior queen, has posted above pic in her facebook page and disclosed that the movie’s Hindi would be releasing in Hyderabad as well apart from all other major centers of North India.
Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s terrific screen presence as ‘Gona Gannareddy’, is one of the prime reasons for the movie spinning money at the ticket windows. Maestro Ilairaja has scored the music of this movie. Gunasekhar, himself, produced ad directed the movie on Guna Team Works.
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