Clinging to the trend that people will love to see talking about Baahubali in sometime or the other, a leading news channel from Delhi stunned everyone other day. Following the suit, almost everyone continued the story.Arnab Goswami’s very own channel “Republic” has other day came up with a story that they are hearing rumours about Prabhas’ marriage in October this year. Guess who is the bride? They have linked him up with the most popular celebrity of Tollywood who hails from a reputed family.
As per the story, Prabhas is rumoured to be tying the knot with Niharika Kondiela as both the sides agreed to their marriage. The story sounds pretty exciting for Bollywood audiences but Tollywood folks won’t get fascinated by it. Because we know that there is no such plan.
Forget about 38-year-old Prabhas marrying 24-year-old Niharika, but there are also rumours mushrooming that this Mega daughter is dating Naga Shourya as well. But she laughed at them all, quite gracefully.
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