Amidst wide-spread reports that Oopiri/Thozha satellite rights were sold for a fancy price of Rs 14 Crore to a Chennai-based entertainment channel, film’s production house PVP Cinema came out in open and denied the reports. Source close to production house stated that the reports are not true and deal is not closed yet. “The deal is still on. Satellite rights of both languages (Telugu and Tamil) aren’t sold yet,” shared the source.
On contacted, producer PVP maintained the same. “Talks are going on. Nothing has been closed yet. All options are open.”
Featuring Nagarjuna, Karthi and Tamannah in the lead roles, Oopiri, an adaptation of French film The Intouchables minted money at Box Office. The film is declared as run-away hit in overseas as well and expected to be one of the highest grosser in Nag’s career in overseas.
PVP, who is laughing all the way to the bank, now eyeing bigger price for satellite rights it seems. Let’s wait and see.
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