The first look teaser of Naga Chaitanya’s next, Saahasam Swaasaga Saagipo was released a short while ago at an event in Hyderabad. The makers had timed the first look teaser release with Nagarjuna’s Birthday to treat the Akkineni fans. The teaser is as such Naga Chaitanya describes the beauty of his love to some of his friends.
Director Gautam Menon hides the girl Manjima Mohan for now. The gut feeling who get after watching is that, the movie seems to be a good love story like Naga Chaitanya – Gautam Menon’s previous film, Yem Maaya Chesave.
The movie is more than 50% complete and is also a bilingual like Yem Maaya Chesave. Tamil version has Simbu playing the lead role just like YMC. Manjima Mohan is playing the female lead in both the languages.
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