On the first day of his eight-day US tour, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu interacted with NRIs in a meeting organized by TDP Forum. During the speech, the TDP chief said that he abstained from Deepavali celebrations back at home with his grandson and other family members so as to develop the state.
Naidu said that one should not forget his mother land. ‘You all have worked hard and reached this stage. Don’t be complacent and work even harder for the sake of your families, and all the Telugu people back in the Telugu states. You should all become successful entrepreneurs and help me in developing AP,’ said the AP CM.
Chandrababu assured all cooperation to the NRIs who are willing to set up their establishments in Andhra Pradesh. He explained the attendees his vision of making Vishakhapatnam and Amaravati as IT hubs, and requested them to invest in the state. Inspired by Chandrababu’s efforts to develop AP, about 100 companies have reportedly shown interest to sign MoUs so as to set up their units in AP.
Aimed at encouraging companies to invest in AP by explaining the investment-friendly industrial policy of the state, Chandrababu Naidu
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