Bagepalli’s BJP’s candidate and film actor Sai Kumar seems to be taking a big risk by contesting in the constituency that is in the border of Anantapur and Karnataka and is dominated by Telugu voters. As per the local custom, only Telugu-speaking people should contest from Bagepalli. But what is risk here for Sai Kumar is the fact that Telugus are now hating Modi and BJP for the gross injustice meted out to AP. This apart, Bagepalli has been dominated by Reddy community and has been winning seat for that community. This may also work against Sai Kumar. The mixed response to his campaign in the constituency also indicate that he may not give tough fight in Bagepalli.
No doubt, Sai Kumar is popular in Karnataka, thanks to his nailing performance in Rangi Taranga that was nominated to Oscars, but lack of having direct relations to local people may work against him. Besides this, Sai Kumar is also not a local resident from Bagepalli and is based out of Hyderabad where he stays with family. Even his main occupation is from Telugu films.
His Kannada connection is that he was the MC or anchor for Gali Janardhan Reddy’s lavish wedding and he was the coordinator of Tollywood celebrities, live performances at the wedding. Also, Sai Kumar had hosted the Kannada version of Kaun Banega Crorepati.
Yet, it is not enough to win in Bagepalli. Political analysts, ground report indicates Sai Kumar is walking a tight rope in Bagepalli.
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