Salman Khan’s next film is gearing up for the shoot now, and the makers are busy in finalizing the female lead. As of now, the rumors revealed that Parineeti Chopra is going to be the new Rajjo in Salman Khan-starrer ‘Dabangg 3,’ producer-director Arbaaz Khan. But the latest buzz reveals that it is Sonakshi Sinha who will be uniting with Salman Khan again for the third part of this Dabangg series. Also, the buzz reveals that there is a chance for another actress to be placed in the film.
Sonakshi made her Bollywood debut with ‘Dabangg’, which brought her a Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut. Salman Khan and Sonakshi pair have received so many appreciations. On the other hand, Salman Khan is busy with the shoot for Kabir Khan’s war-drama ‘Tubelight’ and Sonakshi is awaiting the release of her films ‘Akira’ and ‘Force.’
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