History is all set to repeat in the state capital Hyderabad. With Center keeping mum on telangana issue, playing with fire, scared of taking decision in one way or the other, Kodandaram and his TJAC is planning to undertake a strong march for Telangana in Hyderabad on Sep 30th to show the power of telangana people.
Fearing Center wilting under TJAC’s and other NGOs threatening ways, the protagonists of Samaikyandhra announced they will march to Hyd on the same day in opposition to Telangana formation. They even announced that if anyone supports telangana they will be buried in earth. They even went on to warn that if they don’t re install the statues of greats on Tankbund which were demolished during Million march for Telananga they will do the same in December. They said that their march will send shivers down the spines of separatists and will never speak about separate state again.
Many feel that their statements add fuel to fire ,and telangana leaders and its fighters will not take them lightly lying down. It will lead to the situation earlier when the state capital witnessed attacks, protests brining life to standstill. With many international conventions due in Hyd it has to be seen how the situation will be tackled.
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