Samantha Ruth Prabhu, the top actress of Tollywood and the soon-to-be better half of Naga Chaitanya Akkineni, is proving how caring a girlfriend she is.
The other day, Sam shared a video on social media where Chaitu is seen lifting 161kg weight, according to the writings of the hot lady in that post. She also wrote that she had to do a lot of forcing and a little begging as Chaitu wasn’t comfortable sharing his personal video on social media. Despite the Akkineni hero’s reluctance, Sam persuaded him and finally posted the video, which has attracted significant attention of movie lovers. It can be clearly understood that she did it not for her sake but Chaitu’s.
From the past few days, Sam has been doing as many headlines-making things as she could to promote Chaitu’s latest film ‘Ra Randoi Veduka Chooddam’. Starting from the social media conversations with Nag to saying ‘I Love You’ to Chaitu over telephone during a TV show, Sam has done everything in her capacity to promote her hubby’s film.
Chaitu is truly lucky to have a caring and astute girlfriend like Sam.
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