One of the leading producers, Bellamkonda suresh is all planning to launch his son into films as Hero. It was reported that top heroine in Tollywood, Samantha is doing the love interest of the hero in the film. Tollywood is whispering that being top in the race and when the career graph is in peeks, there is a reason for heroine Samantha to agree to act beside a new hero. In order to pull her onboard, Bellamkonda Suresh offered her a blank cheque. That is why keeping all big hero projects aside, Samantha accepted this offer.
Commercial director V.V.Vinayak is going to direct this film. Vinayak had promised him long back that he will make Sai (S/o of Bellamkonda) a hero. Vinayak is going to design this film in his style of romantic action entertainer. Sai seems to be the new boy with silver spoon in industry with all the gifted packages but it’s the audience that decides the fate of a hero. All the best.
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