Samantha’s skimpy outfits in her latest offing Sikandar has become the talking point. Crossing the borders she tried to erase her previous image of ‘girl-next-door’ and stunned one and all with her short dresses. She even worn a two-piece beach-dress and transformed her ‘cute’ image into ‘sexy’ starlet.
Talking about her short pants, trendy outfits, Samantha shared, “It wasn’t planned at all and it just happened. We didn’t have much time to do shopping for the outfits in the song and we did it in just two days.” She added, “This is not first time I’ve worn short pants. I was seen in similar pants in my second film Brindavanam as well.”
We hear that Sam was happy about her new “Sexy” image. An elated Sam said, “After five years of my career, people are now saying that I could carry a bold, sexy image. I’m glad about this. They must have been bored of my routine looks in this 5 years.” So, what is Sam trying to say? Is she going to continue the same in her upcoming films? If so, it will be a great treat guys.
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