Lovely beauty Samantha’s latest Tamil film, 24 opposite Suriya had its audio release in Chennai this morning. However the actress gave the event a miss since she is busy in the shooting of her Telugu film, Brahmotsavam in Hyderabad. She is likely to attend the audio launch of the Telugu version this evening.
“I apologise for not being able to attend the audio launch of #24 in chennai .Shooting for the last schedule of #Brahmotsavam . C u in Hyd (sic),” Samantha posted in her Twitter account. The other heroine in the film, Nitya Menen attended the Tamil audio launch in Chennai. Manam fame Vikram Kumar is the director.
According to the buzz, the movie is being planned for May 6th release. The First Look Teaser of the film released recently increased the expectations and hype on the film by multiple folds. AR Rahman is the music composer. 24 will be high on action sequences. Suriya reportedly performed most of them with out any body double.
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