Sampoornesh Babu, the Burning Star of Tollywood who made a strong impact with the funny teaser of ‘Hrudaya Kaleyam’ attracting the attention of ace celebrities in Telugu film circles is hurrying to make a mark of his own. While no one knows what is the status of production work for ‘Hrudaya Kaleyam,’ here comes a report that film maker Maruthi and hero Allu Sirish working on ‘kotha janta’ are planning to rope Sampoornesh in a special character.
Maruthi has this knack of promoting his films and cashing the same into revenues. If at all, Sampoo becomes close to Mega family then he will have a long way to go with blessings of Allu Aravind and Chiranjeevi. But, everything depends upon how Sampoo designs his career. As of now, there is nothing official about Burning Star in ‘kotha janta’ but let us wait and see.
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