Till date, ace tennis starlet of India Sania Mirza has declined any movie offers that are coming her way. Other than walking on fashion ramps and posing for photo-shoots of magazines by flaunting some stunning costumes, this Hyderabadi beauty never tried her hand at glamour world. But here comes a news that would excite people who wants to see her on silver screen.
Apparently Sania is approached by a casting agency from London, UK requesting her to become part of next James Bond flick. The 24th bond flick features Daniel Craiz in the role of world’s most loved and romantic Britain spy who operates for the MI6. Reportedly, parts of this film will be shot in India and they want a sports woman to feature in it. Sania is yet to take a call on that. “Bond is a world icon. Thinking of taking the Bond offer. Watch this space for more”, said Sania, while sharing her thoughts about the offer. Well, that’s something quite big!
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