Victory Venkatesh has achieved a remarkable milestone with his latest film, Sankranthi Ki Vastunnam, which has become his highest-ever career grosser. Released as the final film among the Sankranthi season releases, it has emerged as the undisputed winner, garnering immense success at the box office. The film’s opening day revenue surpassed an impressive 45 crore rupees worldwide, a testament to its massive appeal.
Despite being allocated limited screens in the Telugu states, Sankranthi Ki Vastunnam has been packing theatres with housefull shows in almost all centres. The demand for tickets has been so high that in certain areas of Ceded, theatre management has started placing additional tickets to cater to the overwhelming audience response.
Directed by Anil Ravipudi, known for his knack for connecting with family audiences, the film has once again proven his expertise in creating a blockbuster. The cast features Meenakshi Chaudhary, Aishwarya Rajesh, Naresh, VTV Ganesh, and others, all delivering stellar performances. Produced by Dil Raju, the film is a clear winner this Sankranthi season, further cementing its place as a major hit.
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