Powerstar Pawan Kalyan’s Sardaar Gabbar Singh has completed its censor formalities a short while ago. The entire film except two songs is submitted to the Censor Certification. The final certificate will be given in couple of days when the remaining songs will also be submitted for the screening.
The last minute post production works are happening at brisk pace. The makers will very soon intensify their promotions. Pawan Kalyan is adamant on making sure the movie release on April 8th as Ugadi Special. There is a long weekend holiday due to Ugadi holiday on Friday and so it will work to a large extent for the film.
Kajal Aggarwal is pairing up with Pawan Kalyan for the first time in this film. Kajal will also be dubbing herself for her role in the movie. This is the first time, the actress is dubbing for her role in any film industry. The Hindi version of the film will also see light on the same day as the Telugu version.
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