The multi-skilled actress Seerat Kapoor, has supremacy over the Tollywood industry. However, the actress is exploring her boundaries and will soon be seen in Bollywood films. Seerat Kapoor has previously delivered some great hits in south India, namely “Maa Vintha Gadha Vinuma”, “Krishna and His Leela”, “Okka Kshanam”, and many more. The exposure she received earlier in Bollywood was that of an Assistant Choreographer for the film “Rockstar”. Seerat Kapoor is a storehouse of talents because she is an Actress, a Choreographer, and a trained Indian Classical Singer.
Recently, an unexpected flood in Uttarakhand took the lives of several people and left numerous individuals injured. The disaster has led to widespread of mourn throughout the nation.
The “Maarrich” debutant actress Seerat Kapoor shared her grief for the recent mishappening. The actress tweeted, “The Uttarakhand’s Chamoli disaster is daunting to say the least. I understand the fear that may have settled within the minds of the victims. Here’s encouraging all the villagers not to lose hope. Rescue teams are working tirelessly to ensure the safety and security of our people. Holding you all in my prayers. Stay strong.”
#Uttarakhand #Chamoli #Flood #RescueOperation ?
— Seerat Kapoor (@IamSeeratKapoor) February 11, 2021
On the work front, Seerat Kapoor will be next to be seen alongside the “Golmal” star Tusshar Kapoor and “A Wednesday” veteran Naseeruddin Shah under the banner; Tusshar Entertainment House. Seerat Kapoor will soon be seen in “Maarrich” marking her Bollywood debut.
Directed by Dhruv Lather, the genre of “Maarrich” is said to be a Double Mystery Thriller. Even before the announcements arrived, the film has been trending across Bollywood and Tollywood and we cannot wait for Seerat Kapoor to share their first glimpse with us!
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