Recently, we saw the Bollywood Baadshah Shah Rukh Khan visiting Tollywood Superstar Mahesh Babu on the sets of Brahmotsavam. Shah Rukh and Mahesh spent some jovial time chitchatting, accompanied by Namrata. Shah Rukh even promised to return to Hyderabad to have a biryani lunch with Mahesh’s family.
Now, it’s the turn of Mega Power Star Ram Charan and his Bruce Lee team to be thrilled by the surprise arrival of the King Khan during the song shoot. Apparently, Shah Rukh, who has been shooting for Dilwale at RFC, visited Bruce Lee sets and was even pleasantly surprised by Charan’s energy while dancing to the ‘Le Le Bruce Lee’ song.
Shah Rukh enthusiastically observed the shooting until 2 am at night, and interacted with Charan, Rakul and other crew members. Recently, we reported about Charan and Dilwale’s star Varun Dhawan bonding over a biryani lunch at RFC. But King Khan paying a visit to Cherry’s sets is indeed a huge moment.
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