Bollywood’s ace star hero, Baadshah Shahrukh Khan has expressed his desire to star in a South movie many a times. Recently after starring in ‘Chennai Express’, the 400 crore collecting blockbuster that has fared well even at South box-office, King Khan’s desire doubled. And as a first step, here is his offering.
SRK wants to first debut in Tollywood with a dubbing movie in the likes of Surya and Hrithik. Dubbing flicks are the way of these two other heroes who are rocking Tollywood by releasing the Telugu version of their flicks straight on day one. Krish 3, Anjaan and Dhoom 3 have released in Telugu along with worldwide release of movie, and minted huge bucks. Also this explains how crucial Telugu market has become for Bollywood films to mint 100s of crores.
Taking a tip from his contemporaries, SRK has now released Telugu version trailer of his latest flick ‘Happy New Year’, marking his direct dubbing debut. Baadshah is said to be planning 200 theatres release in Tollywood on forthcoming Diwali eve.. Catch up with SRK’s ‘Happy New Year’ Telugu trailer, directed by Farah Khan and featuring Abhishek Bachan, Deepika Padukone in leads along with King Khan.
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