It is known that the Telugu theatrical rights of the movie were picked up by Producer NV Prasad of Super Good Films for a whooping Rs 30 crores which is the highest ever price offered for a dubbing flick. The film after picked up for 30 Crores surpassed the price offered to Shankar’s previous blockbuster ‘Robo’ which was then bagged for 27 Crores. Every one where is doubt regarding the film and its business when they heard this 30 Crore deal, since Vikram’s Telugu market was depleted after Aparachithudu.
But Shankar and Vikram proved them all wrong with never heard of prices being offered for the film in all the territories of the Telugu States. The business of the movie is not yet closed but going by the best offers in the trade, the films business is expected to cross 35 Crores. Which means 5 Crore Table profit to Super Good Films only from theatrical rights. The film`s Ceeded Rate is being quoted as a minimum of 7.2 Cr and all the areas of Andhra are in the range of 15 Crore.
Back in Telangana, Nizam region is to fetch over 12-13 Cr. Experts expect the Pre Release Business in both the Telugu States will bring in 35 Crores alone for theatrical rights. There are other revenues for satellite and DVD rights. Aascar Ravichandran is producing the film. Amy Jackson is playing the lead role opposite Vikram in this romantic thriller. A R Rahman is composing the music and P C Sriram is the cinematographer.
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