The Regional Censor Board in Hyderabad had finished the censor formalities of Ram’s Shivam on Thursday night. The movie was awarded U/A certificate with zero cuts. Even though the board offered U certificate with some cuts, the makers were happy with U/A with no cuts.
Shivam is all set for a grand release on October 2nd. It is a very good date since there is a long weekend due to Gandhi Jayanthi holiday on Friday. Luckily for Ram, Kanche is also postponed giving him the free space at the box office.
Touted to be an out and out mass action entertainer, the movie is directed by a debutante Srinivas Reddy. Raashi Khanna is romancing Ram for the first time in this film. Ram’s uncle, Sravanthi Ravi Kishore, is producing the film under his Sravanthi Movies banner.
Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music. The recently released music album is an instant hit and is topping the music charts. Every thing looks positive for Ram to make it big at the box office!
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