Energetic Hero Ram’s latest offering Shivam will be having its audio launch date on September 12th. The movie unit had just returned to Hyderabad after canning two songs in Norway and Sweden. They are on track for the planned release on October 2nd as Gandhi Jayanthi Special.
The makers are planning to start the promotions with the release of the first look teaser in few days. Touted to be an out and out mass action entertainer, the movie is directed by a debutante Srinivas Reddy. The project was supposed to be for Nithin.
But it was put off after the movie was launched due to some creative differences. Raashi Khanna is romancing Ram for the first time in this film. Ram’s uncle, Sravanthi Ravi Kishore, is producing the film under his Sravanthi Movies banner. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music.
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