Election Commission of India on Friday dealt a rude shock the Telangana Rashtra Samithi by directing that the elections to MLC seats under MLAs’ quota be held in open ballot system, as it would not allow defected MLAs to vote in favor of the TRS.
The TRS party fielded five candidates though it has the strength to win four candidates, hoping that it would attract the other party MLAs to vote in its favour if it is a secret ballot system.
In the secret ballot system, the parties cannot issue whip to their MLAs. If anyone tries to vote against the party whip in open ballot system, the MLA might lose his position.
Now, the TRS is in a piquant situation as to how to make the fifth candidate win the election. The party needs support of other parties’ members if it wanted to make its fifth candidate win the election. The TRS Legislature Party meeting is now discussing the matter, sources said.
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