Telangana CM KCR took one of the boldest decisions by dismissing over 50,000 RTC employees at a time. We all know Telangana state RTC is on strike since two days and KCR is very serious on the strike. He held a meeting with officials and transport minister on Sunday at his residence for nearly five hours.
After hectic discussions, KCR has clarified that RTC will not be merged with government at any cost and decided to be stubborn on employees who are on the strike and as per the RTC records, there were only 1200 employees who made it to their work on Saturday. KCR has directed officials to consider only those who made it their work yesterday and the rest are stripped off from their work.
Also KCR has appointed a committee to come up with proposals to revive RTC and recruit new staff within a short period. More shockingly the KCR instructed the officials to recruit new staff without forming any trade unions and they should sign a bond before taking the appointment.
Well, these are seriously daring decisions by KCR. Meanwhile the RTC employees are in thoughts over KCR’s decision but clarified that they will go ahead with their protest tomorrow at Indira Park.
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