Actress Rakul Preet Singh is one beauty who gained star status in no time. After debuting with ‘Venkatadri Express’, she never looked back. And in 2016, Rakul Preet Singh was in full form as she delivered a series of super hits like Nannaku Prematho, Dhruva and Sarrainodu. Post that, she had a dull career as majority of her movies have disappointed audiences. However, Rakul Preet’s performance as Brahmaramba in Rarandoi was highly raved and fetched her appreciations.
Last year was a bad year for the svelte beauty and she did not had a chance to appear even in single Telugu movie. After a long gap, Rakul grabbed a straight Telugu offer in the form of ‘Venky Mama’ and she has got no other Telugu projects in her kitty. While the talk in industry is that she may not be able to sustain for a longer time, Rakul is quite sure about her career in Telugu.
The actress claimed that she is one of the busiest actresses in India and the short unexpected gap in Telugu is not going to dampen her acting career. Rakul is currently shooting for a couple of Bollywood films : ‘Marjaavan’ with Siddharth Malhotra and ‘De De Pyaar De’ with Ajay Devgan. In Kollywood, her next film with Karthi – ‘Dev’ is ready for release, ‘NGK’ with Suriya is under production stage and a film with Siva Karthikeyan is in final stage talks.
Confessing that she made mistakes by picking some unwanted films in the past, Rakul said Telugu industry is going to be her priority and the Hyderabad City is going to be her home place.
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