The trailer of ‘Thoongavanam’ was launched yesterday. Various celebrities attended the function apart from the team and cast of ‘Thoongavanam’. One among them is Shrutihaasan.
Shrutihaasan who attended the launch showered praises on her father. Shruti was seen in a black frock with short hair. Her waist line was exposed and she looked dazzling as ever.
After the function, Shrutihaasan showered praises on her father. She even posted a selfie with her father and tweeted, “So proud of you appa!! #thoongavanam. Heavy metal runs in haasan blood!!!”
The actress was also seen with Gautami, Khushbu Sundar, Vishal, Prakash Raj in a late night party. The actress meanwhile expects release of ‘Puli’ on October 1st and she is also shooting for ‘Thala 56’.
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