Bollywood actor Siddanth Chaturvedi roared with his stellar performance as MC Sher in Ranveer’s “Gully Boy”. Recently In an interview featuring Ananya Pandey, Siddanth and a couple of actors, when the host questioned about nepotism, his remarks won many hearts where he downright trolled Ananya with his savage reply. Later he had been in the news that he would star in Gully boy sequel directed by Zoya Akhtar, but rejected as he didn’t find it promising.
Earlier in the year he has signed a film under Yash raj films banner and now seem to have too many things on plate for sure apart from it. Currently he is starring in “Bunty Aur Babli 2” and Shagun Batra’s untitled film alongside the pretty actress, Deepika Padukone and Ananya Pandey, where the former is a crime comedy and the latter being an action genre.
Siddhant Chaturvedi appears to be totally keyed up. When enquired about his feeling, He said, “I’m extremely eager to star in “Bunty Aur Babli 2″ and I’m excited for people to watch it. I feel after this pandemic all the things will be all right with this film, which is a family entertainer”. He also said he was fortunate enough to pair up with Deepika in his next untitled film.
Siddanth shares he was quite intrigued to get an opportunity to share screen space with Senior actors like Rani Mukerji, Saif Ali Khan and Pankaj Tripathi in the sequel of Bunty and bubbly. The film is directed by Varun V Sharma and bank rolled by Aditya Chopra under Yash Raj films.
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Game Changer Faces Piracy and Online Negativity on Release Day
January 13, 2025
The release day of Game Changer, the much-anticipated film starring Ram Charan and directed by Shankar, was overshadowed by a significant piracy issue. Despite being made with a global vision and a massive budget, the movie fell victim to online leaks, threatening its theatrical run. Produced by Dil Raju and Sirish, the film’s piracy print was leaked by a group of 45 individuals, raising serious concerns about content security.
Ahead of the release, the team behind Game Changer faced threats on social media and WhatsApp. The perpetrators demanded money, warning that the movie would be leaked if their demands weren’t met. Disturbingly, two days before its release, critical plot twists were shared online, and post-release, an HD print of the film surfaced on platforms like Telegram and various social media channels, further exacerbating the issue.
In response, the Game Changer team filed a cybercrime complaint against the 45 individuals, providing evidence of their involvement in piracy and coordinated attempts to spread negativity about the film. Investigators are now working to determine if the group operated independently or had external backing. The case is currently under investigation, with authorities promising to bring the culprits to justice.
The piracy wasn’t the only hurdle the film faced. Social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube became hotbeds for sharing leaked clips and revealing major twists, dampening the audience’s movie experience. The team has also lodged complaints against these accounts, with legal action expected soon. This incident highlights the need for stricter measures to combat online piracy and safeguard the integrity of cinematic releases.