During his latest interview, Ravi Teja has confirmed that his next film would be directed by Srinu Vaitla. According to the inside info, the film has been titled, ‘Amar Akbar Anthony’ and will have the mass maharaja essaying three different roles. This Vaitla-Ravi Teja project is the second Telugu film in the recent times after NTR’s “Jai Lava Kusa”, to have Hero in triple role.
Besides that, another common factor in both the films is, talented Malayai actress Nivetha Thomas. According to latest reports, Nivetha has been roped in to romance Ravi Teja in Vaitla’s film. It is known that Nivetha was one of the two heroines in JLK too.
This new film is Nivetha’s second biggie after JLK. She was earlier approached to play female lead in Ravi Teja-Kalyan Krishna film, which is currently in production stage. The short beauty however couldn’t sign that film as had decided to concentrate on her studies. She is reportedly glad to sign the actor’s next film.
Featuring Ravi Teja in three different roles, the film will go on floors in April. Mythri Movie Makers will bankroll this Vaitla directorial.
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