Seems like the idea of gifting luxury cars to directors, which is rampant in Bollywood circles, has now finally touched every producer in Telugu circuit too. Both star heroes and star producers want to encourage their directors with these gifts, after Mahesh Babu has gifted director Siva with an Audi A6 sedan recently for success of “Srimanthudu”.
Buzz has that producer Allu Arvind is also planning to gift his director Maruthi. This talented chap has scored the biggest hit of season among small budgeted flicks, as his “Bhale Bhale Magadivoyi” stunned both critics and audiences. We hear that Arvind wants to gift Maruthi with a new BMW sports utility vehicle. Though there is no confirmation yet, film circles say this is indeed true.
Till date Telugu and Tamil industries have seen bigger stars gifting unit members with some precious gifts after a film scores massive blockbuster at box office. And this new trend of gifting directors with luxury cars might end up buying a huge godown to store all the cars for some directors like Rajamouli and Trivikram.
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