The recently released trailer of PVP Cinema’s “Size Zero” reaches over 1 million views on Youtube.”Size Zero”, PVP Cinema’s upcoming film, is directed by K. S. Prakash Rao and stars Anushka Shetty, Arya and Sonal Chauhan in the lead roles. A bilingual project, the film is also being released in Tamil as “Inji Iduppazhagi”
The audio of the film, composed by the legendary M. M. Keeravani, was launched along with the trailer on Nov. 1 in a grand, star-studded event at Novotel HICC. The success of the event is now being mimicked by the audio and trailer of the film.
In just a few days, the trailers of both, “Size Zero” and “Inji Iduppazhagi”, have scored over 1 million views each while the audio has received an overwhelming positive response from audiences.
With Anushka’s birthday tomorrow, such good news could not have come at a better time. Both films, “Size Zero” and “Inji Iduppazhagi”, are scheduled to release on Nov. 27.
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