Here is the latest update about upcoming Pawan Kalyan’s film that was supposed to be directed by SJ Surya. As per official press release from the production house, Surya has been replaced by Gopala Gopala fame Dolly for Pawan’s next film.
Surya who has proved his mettle as an actor with Tamil film Iraivi has been getting lot of offers as an actor from Tamil and Telugu film industries. He is going to play the antagonist in Mahesh Babu’s next directed by Murugadoss.
Surya has to give bulk dates for this film which will start rolling from July. Surya was supposed to direct Pawan Kalyan’s film at the same time.
So when Surya told about his busy schedules to Pawan Kalyan, the latter asked him to carry on with his other commitments. So Dolly who did Gopala Gopala with Pawan will wield the megaphone for this faction love story.
Pawan has promised to do another film with Dolly during Gopala Gopala and he made use of this opportunity to keep that promise.
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