Stylish Star Allu Arjun’s Son of Satyamurthy managed to pass the Monday’s test. The movie had collected 2 Crore share on Monday, the Fifth day of its release. The movie is good in all the main centers of both the states and it held up well in the B.C centers. The IPL effect and heavy rains in many districts of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh had some effect on the collections.
Here is the breakup of S/O Satyamurthy Fifth day collections:
Nizam: 83 Lakhs
Ceeded: 36 Lakhs
Uttarandhra: 21.31 Lakhs
East: 15 Lakhs
West: 13 Lakhs
Krishna: 15.76 Lakhs
Guntur: 14.8 Lakhs
Nellore: 7.02 Lakhs
AP+Nizam — 2.05 Crore
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