Allu Arjun, Trivikram latest offering S/O Satyamurthy opened to packed houses as expected. The film has collected more than 9 crores share on its first day in Telugu states and had a pretty decent day 2 in spite of not so encouraging talk.
Trends on third day indicate another fairly decent day for SoSM. It is too early to say if it is on the track to reach a safe zone or not.
S/O Satyamurthy has to collect more than fifty four crores share from the theatricals to be termed as a hit. That is still a long way to go!
Real test for the film starts from Monday though. SoSM is particularly doing well in A centers and the collections in B and C centers are on the down side, says the trade.
Luckily there are no other new releases in Telugu this week and it has been cakewalk for the film so far.
OK Bangaram and Lawrence’s Ganga (Kanchana 2) are slated for release on April 17th. There are decent expectations on both the movies and are likely to apply breaks on S/O Satyamurthy’s run from coming Friday.
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