Nandamuri Balakrishna’s 99th film, Dictator will start its shooting proceedings from 20th of this month. A special set was erected in Ramanaidu Studios at Nanakramguda by Art director Brahma Kadali. After this schedule, the team will fly to Europe.
They have already finalized some unseen locales there for the movie’s major schedule. Srivas who garnered a super success with Loukyam will be wielding megaphone for this project. The movie is being planned for Sankranthi 2016 release.
The script is said to be based on Mafia backdrop. Famous writers duo – Kona Venkat and Gopimohan will be working for the first time with Balayya. Eros International will be producing this film. Anjali and Sonal Chauhan are the heroines.
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