Senior Telugu film actor Kaikala Satyanarayana, who is hailed as one of the most talented and versatile actors to have ever worked in Telugu cinema, has made some sensational comments against the current functioning of the industry.
In a recent interview, the senior actor said that earlier artists and technicians used to make films with passion and give prime importance to art. “Nowadays, industry people are making movies only for ‘money’. Never have we imagined that the budgets and remunerations will go so soaring, everyone is working only to amass money and in the process, they have forgot what a potential ‘art’ cinema is,” he said.
The veteran actor said that he wasn’t targeting anyone and that he was disclosing only his personal opinion. He also said that senior artists and filmmakers, who had contributed so much for the industry to flourish, were being neglected by the younger generation.
Shifting his attention to politics, Satyanarayana said that he was one of the founding members of TDP and that Sr NTR considered him as his own brother. He rued that the party has now allegedly forgotten him.
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