Young Tiger NTR teamed up with director Rajamouli for four times and Tarak’s immediate films after that ended up as flops at the box office. It happened thrice and everyone expected that NTR’s latest release Devara would also become a flop as his previous film was RRR with Rajamouli. But, Devara is gaining positive talk and it means that Rajamouli’s myth has been broken. NTR scored flops with Subbu, Andhrawala and Kantri earlier when he teamed up with SSR for the films Student No.1, Simhadri and Yamadonga.
Rajamouli’s son Karthikeya has opened up on the same. He wrote on X confirming that the myth has been broken after 23 years. “23 years of MYTH. Finally it was broken where it all began by the MAN HIMSELF on the SAME DAY again. Growing up watching him closely and now witnessing his wonders is what makes him so special to Telugu cinema. ???? Absolutely Speechless. I’ve been screaming to say this. For all the fans.. this is the gift he’s given us to celebrate… #Devara – THE BIGGEST MASS CELEBRATION IN CINEMA… And now the madness itself will speak. ALL HAIL THE TIGER” wrote Karthikaya on X.
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